The english version of our campaign called "THINGS CHANGE", launched for World Aids Day 2022
This year, with our new communication campaign called "THINGS CHANGE", launched for World Aids Day 2022, we strongly reaffirm the importance of the slogan U=U for the future of the fight against HIV virus. U=U represents all over the world the revolutionary binomial "Undetectable=Untransmitable" (meaning that when the HIV virus is no longer detectable, it is no longer transmissible).
Scientific evidence and numerous research studies confirm that, thanks to the TasP (Therapy as Prevention), people living with HIV, on antiretroviral therapy and with a suppressed viral load, DO NOT transmit the virus to their partners, even in unprotected sex.Things change. Things have changed: PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV DO NOT TRANSMIT THE VIRUS.
NOTE: all digital materials created for this campaign are released in Italian and English version and, for the first time for our thirtieh anniversary they have also been translated into the Sardinian language.
They can be freely distributed through social media under a Creative Commons NonCommercial License (CC NC, CC BY-NC) and you can download them from the links below:
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